Adventure in the Ascent

ROMANS: No Condemnation, No Separation, Walking in The Spirit (Rom. 8)

Eric Lovin

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“My dignity as Abba’s child is my most coherent sense of self.” -Brennan Manning

This chapter is regarded as one of the crown jewel chapters in the Bible, and there are three main things that I believe the Holy Spirit would highlight for us in this treasure chapter…

↠There is now there no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! (v. 1)

↠It doesn’t say there is less condemnation, but there is no condemnation. Your standing before God has not just improved but it has been totally transformed!

↠No future guilt/charge (vs. 33-34)

↠But not everyone can say “there is no condemnation.” (John 3:36, 5:24)

↠There is also no separation from His love (vs. 35-39)

↠Another great part of the Good News- forgiven, free, and His love never stops

↠John 10:27- “neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

↠We need a revelation of this type of love! 

↠Be “rooted and grounded in His love” (Ephesians 3)- see the picture of establishment in His love here- rooted as a tree in it- then understanding the depths of it

↠“To separate”- to place space between/Eden Story/clothing/He desires nothing between us- that is the depths of His love. Are you mesmerized by HIs longing for no separation?

↠Life/Walking in the Spirit (vs. 5-11)

↠What is the secret, the method to walking rightly, what’s the key to constantly living in the understanding of no condemnation, no separation? Walking or living in the Spirit!

↠Christian living is supernatural living by the Spirit! It is to be characteristic of a believer to live by the Spirit. Paul presents two ways to live (Deut. 30:19).

↠These two paths, both have characteristics and consequences– John 10:10

↠Following our sinful nature brings death (corrosion, James 1:15)

↠Second- “be led by the Spirit unto LIFE!” Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

↠Abandon any hope of finding satisfaction in anything apart from Him. Put “those things to death” (Galatians 5:24- Nail them to the Cross!)

↠Living by the Spirit actually proves who we are! (vs. 14)

↠Children, continually being led, progression

↠Our response to that leading- crying “Abba, Father! (v. 15) an intimate form of addressing a Father. He’s not just a King, you’re not just a slave, you’re not just some sinner saved by grace, you are Abba’s child.

↠The foundation of my true self is “I am the one loved by the Father.” The practical side of that—Develop/maintain that awareness of our belovedness by time alone with God. He is calling us, wooing us away into deeper, daily devotion, come away!

↠Part of walking in the Spirit is hearing His voice. Our lives can be radically transformed by learning to hear HIs voice better (John 10:3-5) His sheep HEAR His voice, not should, or could, but HEAR…tune in/frequency (Ps. 46:10)